Sunday, June 10, 2012


Hey there!  Thanks, friends and family, for taking the time to read my ramblings on not one, but two blogs.  I’m so thrilled to put my thoughts on paper for the world to critique. J You may be wondering why I’d decide to have a second space filled with nonsensical ideas…well, it’s simple, really.  This afternoon, I was reminded of the time I nearly sliced my ring finger off while attempting to make brownies.  I realized what a funny story that was (to me – mostly because I didn’t lose my digit) and that I’d really like to share it with the folks who pop by on occasion…but I was struggling with finding a way to parlay that story into a devotional.  Well, aside from the obvious: God did not want me to eat those brownies.  And while that could have been a fitting, “the body is a temple” story, I started recalling other tales of the kitchen that could be fun to share…and realized that there are some stories (burning off a layer of skin while searing pork loin – damn you, Food Network, and all your clever ideas!) that I just couldn’t work into a daily devotional.

And so, “Just Add Merlot” was born.  Originally, I thought the title “Just Add Wine” was cute and clever, but I found that someone else had beaten me to the witty and fermented punch.  After a careful taste-testing, I narrowed it down to merlot (because cabernet sauvignon is too lengthy and, let’s face it, difficult for *some* of my friends and family to spell).

Occupying this space on a semi-regular basis will be my kitchen triumphs and tragedies, recipes (both my own and others I’ve fallen in love with), and, depending on the amount of merlot I’ve had, a few anecdotes about my amazing, incredible, loving and supportive husband, and our collective “zoo” of children.

So again, thank you…and enjoy the show. J

PS – For those wondering, “Coke and a Smile” was also taken…and not by a fellow Coke.  Travesty.

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