Monday, November 25, 2013

Ferberization: Complete

This post is brought to you by the letters Z and W, for zombies and wine.  Which I can have at full volume (and full glass) at 8:30pm.  Thank you, Ferber!

A couple weeks ago, I told you all that we were going Ferber Method in the Coke House.  It’s been 10ish days of Ferber, and I feel moderately confident to say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

So how did we get this Ferber stuff to work?  It was actually pretty easy (jinx, I know).  Our son is totally awesome, and that helps.  Also, Miles has always slept in his crib, so we didn’t have the co-sleeping nightmare to deal with.  Not that there’s anything wrong with co-sleeping; I’m not judgey about any parenting style, whether you cry it out, co-sleep, babywear, use disposable diapers, only let them eat green foods until they’re a year old…as long as your child is loved and cared for, it’s all good in my book.  Except that attachment parenting stuff…that’s a little weird.  If your kid can easily eat dinosaur shaped Tyson chicken nuggets and tie his own shoes, I don’t quite get why you’d still breastfeed…but that’s just my opinion.

Back to Ferber.  Since Miles already sleeps in his crib super well, this was more about getting a consistent bedtime established.  He tends to fall asleep between 8-8:30p every night; the problem we were having was our own, because one of us would just continue rocking Miles in the recliner until we thought he was sleeping really well, and then we’d put him down.

While this system worked, there are some issues.  Issue number one: having to watch all of my vampire-zombie-toddlers and tiara shows in an acceptably low volume.  Miles can sleep through most anything, but if a toddler suddenly starts hollering for her “tinker tea” (Google it…seriously) or a hoard of zombies comes crashing through the roof of an abandoned IGA, the volume might be too loud for a sleeping bambino. 

Issue number two: falling asleep with Miles in the recliner, waking up at 10:30p and realizing you still have Miles.  While this didn’t bother Miles, losing all feeling in my arm for the next half an hour wasn’t fun.

And so, out of my need for louder zombies and two free hands, a bedtime was born!

First three nights: Superawesome.  We did bath time, bottle time, story time, and then bedtime.  Miles babbled for 10-15 minutes, and fell asleep.

Night four: 6 minutes of crying.  Now, that might not seem like a long time, but I can tell you that when it’s your sweet, little baby in there crying, six minutes is an eternity.  But we made it.

Night five: 5 minutes of crying.  This time, more hysterical.  I caved; I picked him up, I rocked him for 20 minutes, he fell asleep.  Ferber would have been disappointed.

Every night since then: Asleep within 10 minutes.

People: BEDTIME IS THE BEST THING EVER.  I can watch zombies, fold laundry, jump on the sofa, yell at the dog, drink wine, and trip over 1,487,633 baby toys without having to worry about waking the baby in the living room.

Some of you think Ferber is mean.  I’m going to tell you to stop being a baby.  Bedtime is important; routines are important, consistency is important.  Kids like knowing what to expect (and guess what – SO DO GROWN-UPS!)  It’s also important to give your child their own space.  Well, right now.  When they’re teenagers, that’s different.

You know those kids you see running down the street barefoot at 8pm drinking Mountain Dew and eating Cheetos?  They don’t have a routine.  They also have high blood sugar.  And they’re probably poor sleepers.  AND THEIR PARENTS NEVER GET TO WATCH ZOMBIES!  Or, they’ve given up and watch zombies with their kids.  Don’t do that, either.

Does not have a bedtime.



Like I said, I’m supportive of whatever works for your family…but don’t disregard Ferber until you’ve tried it.  Your zombies and non-Honey Boo Boo children will thank you.

Ferberization Complete,


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